As you know many of iconic college drop outs like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckenberg etc. Made it to the top billionaire Forbes list at a very young age. So I can say that Youth Employment, Education, and Building Skills is really important. As far as techno bubble of globalization and economy is concerned. Still most of this people came from obscurity. This is how we must use “Development Through Empowerment".
I attended a few network technology summit and gathering here in the Philippines. Most of the aspirants are the youths. Most of them likes to follow the footsteps of the 3 techno icons mention above. I saw a lot of them fail and other are stills hopefuls. But who know's any one of them can be the next world iconic superstars. Like google, oracle, instagram, facebook, twitter, wiki etc to name a few. As startups came a weekly/monthly meeting here in Manila.
It came to a point that some fella I known who international worldwide prestigious competitions like imagine cup by Microsoft, oracle and a lot more. Most of them became apps developer, online freelancers, eCommerce site developer, website moneymakers, social alpha, blog pros and iconic programmers. Most of this youths are still on college some of them are undergrads. As education is not literary mention by masters, degree or certain doctoral. It came to the point that building skills is really important if mixed by love and passion of someones work.
As far as internet and technology is concern. It change our opportunity you can be as fast as you can via internet. You can accomplish work. And search free education online. Many of young pros work from home and got the huge benefit of technology. If you would imagine before you do a banking transaction in a bank that would eat an hour or two of your busy time. Nor book and international flight or by just purchasing items to enable your business. But with the use of technology it can be done by minutes and seconds. Its pretty much saving time and resources right? Aside from using technology to built sports cars, gadgets or save like water and energy.
Asian Youth Forum is a delicious worldwide event to be witness. To gather up same idealistic young and passionate mind. Also to share delightful info from the most prestigious youth power event across the globe. Imagine Youth Employment, Education, and Building Skills!!